Onenote for mac indexing?
Onenote for mac indexing?

onenote for mac indexing?
  1. #Onenote for mac indexing? how to
  2. #Onenote for mac indexing? pdf

That said, a large part of my current frustration stems from the lack of features/integration between Outlook and ON - and wanting to improve that side of things.

#Onenote for mac indexing? how to

Regardless, will have to think a bit about how to set things up - and certainly good advice to wait for DTTG2 before doing anything too radical. Seems currently to only have some sort of link to my ON workbooks, which when selected, opens the online version of ON for those corresponding workbooks and pages. Had a closer look at OneDrive – didn’t realise it had a MAS app - but will need to play around with it a bit more. It promises to be a PITA, but will no doubt be worth it in the long-run… That said, going to be a process of note! I’m leaning towards the latter - there would be ‘clients’ that I am working with now, that are currently ‘inside’ ON > will probably move them across, and leave the rest where they are… Would love to hear some thoughts from DTPO users who, like me, are going to have to make the transition in the next few months/year/arrival of DTTG2…Ī.) Are you going-all in - as in, try to get everything that is in ON over to DTPO?ī.) Or are you going to run both in the transition phase > ON for the historical data that is already in it, and then gradually build-up DTPO with ‘new’ material? I’m guessing that there might be many DTPO users who also have ON within their daily workflow-sphere - who with the imminent arrival of DTTG2 are considering moving everything into DTPO (similarly for Evernote)… The ON pages contain mixtures of the occasional screen-grab, of websites or website articles (clipped from the web), text that I have input into text-boxes, and then (mostly) related email correspondence - dating back 4/5 years in some instances… Since there isn’t going to be a magic-bullet that does anything like this automagically, it will force me to remove the cruft as well, and set things up right from the get-go. Replicate/re-create what is in my 6gb ON workbook, inside DTPO. I’m hoping it will be robust enough to allow for editing/additions to the DTTG2 client-files, and allow that to be synced back to DTPO. When DTTG2 sees the light of day, I would presumably be able to sync only that Client-Group to my iPhone and iPP - since it’s purely the client-files that I need to access when away from the Mac.īased on what I have been reading about DTTG2 - this looks like a very likely possibility. I could then use and its integration with DTPO, to throw those client-related emails into the relevant client-group inside DTPO. Therefore, stop using OneNote, and have everything done inside DTPO. Those client-“files” are currently housed inside OneNote. Use Outlook for meetings/related features that it offers over that of, and then use the latter in those instances where I need to get the clients email into their “file”. When compared to the tool-bar click & location select that the same process involved over on the PC, the difference is annoying.

#Onenote for mac indexing? pdf

This involves several steps of Printing/Exporting said email as a PDF to a particular location, and then - over in ON again, importing same as a PDF. Over on iOS, I cannot see the email at all, since it obviously cannot open the quickview there, without access to Outlook/Īs a result, I need to import a PDF fileprint-out the mail in question, to be able to view the text on iOS and in ON Mac. Whereas I can drag/drop an email from Outlook into ON - it doesn’t display the actual text of the email, and merely serves as a link back to the email in question. ** There is zero integration between Outlook Mac and OneNote Mac at the moment. With my now moving everything over to Mac, the friction of this workflow has risen exponentially. With OneNote, I could sync to my Mac using the latter’s native app, and have same available on my phone and tablet.

onenote for mac indexing?

Before transitioning to the Mac at the office as well at the beginning of this year, OneNote and its tight integration with Outlook on the PC, offered me the cleanest/most efficient manner of spanning the divide btw my work related material, and the PC/Mac. I’ve been a fairly long-term user of MS OneNote. Not really sure where to put this - but since I’m not suggesting anything per se, figured rather here!

Onenote for mac indexing?